
About Me

I have been married to a pretty good fella for 9 years, you may see posts of his from time to time. There are five people that I feel extremely privileged to have call me “Mom” or “Mommy”, my super awesome kiddos, we have 3 boys, ages 4,8,& 17, and 2 girls (we finalized the adoption of the 2 girls April 19,2011, YAY! *excited*), ages 3 & 5. I am a nurse, and also have a degree in Business, but for the last 10 years I have had the most demanding job a person can have, stay-at-home mom/homemaker. Shortly after my oldest son was born I began to feel "unlike my normal self", that feeling progressed over the years, and led from one diagnosis to another, which ultimately forced me to stop practicing as a nurse, and go on disability. (I will discuss my medical history/issues in a separate health section, a little bit at a time. Hopefully the information I provide will be able to help someone else.) For starters, I have Celiac Disease (some say Celiac Sprue), so I can no longer eat gluten, or anything that has touched gluten, or has even been in the same room with gluten (okay maybe that was a tad dramatic), but yes, it does suck! I miss Poptarts & dining out the most. 

I've experienced a lot in life, good and bad, all of which has made me who I am, and even if I could, I wouldn't change a single thing. I love life! I had a Blog some years ago but I gradually stopped writing after I started my own business, for some reason I thought I would have more time on my hands, pffftttt, I couldn't have been more wrong. I really think it's time to start Blogging it up again, being able to say what's on my mind is truly a great outlet, and with 5 kids, 3 cats (+ a brand new litter of kittens, makes 7), 2 dogs, and a husband, I think I deserve some sort of an outlet. Currently, I have more drafts than I do published posts, but that probably has something to do with being an outlet, I would hate to post with regret, yikes! I will be continually adding content, hopefully it won't be too long before it is full of info on a "Variety" of subjects. 

Online Penny Auctions (PAs) are probably my biggest hobby, or maybe I should say my biggest vice. I started participating in them over a year ago, and while they can be costly, frustrating, and extremely addicting, they are not 'all' the scam many people believe them to be. I made sure I tossed the word 'all' in there because there are some sites that are in business solely to rip us off, but many of the sites out there are totally legitament. I have not been able to put my finger on exactly why I enjoy them; is it the thrill of the deal? or is it the throwing away time and money? We may never know.